Make Your Own Havaianas Butuan 2014

September 26-28,2014 My Make Your Own Havaianas experience started with an online recruitment post on facebook. I myself am a buyer of Havaianas flip-flops. So far, I've already had my fourth pair. Upon seeing the post, I wanted to apply and be part of it since I haven't tried applying for the MYOH events in Cagayan de Oro City. Somehow I felt scared of applying since it's going to be a new experience if I become part of the MYOH Butuan Team. I am an Accountancy student but we only had one marketing class in our curriculum during the summer of our junior year and we weren't able to experience being on the field and do the actual marketing. We just had a reporting on what our product is (space food, fashion, and etc.). I only experienced how marketing is done through my years of stay in the student council. So, I made my resume and submitted it over the internet on the same day that I saw the post. A few days later, my close friend shared to me the post an...