Pole Dancing 101

I attended a class on Intro to Pole Dancing at Terra Nostra, Butuan City last Saturday. It was an experience that I challenged myself to get involved with as it not only helps build one's confidence but also improves on one's strength and fitness. They offer regular classes not only for adults but for kids too!

I had a one hour one-on-one session with Teacher Rhyn then and it was fun and challenging at the same time! Anyhow, here's what happened during the sesh:

This is the first thing that I  was able to accomplish! :3  Happy was I to know that I could actually carry myself up in that pole with no hands! (Insert Game Face On Here xD -FOCUS! )

.. and then with hands.. 

Here's teacher rhyn 

That dream girl move tho.. :3 it's difficult! 

I hope I could execute it perfectly in the future. :))

Here's more! :3

..and to wrap it up :))

Excited to attend their regular classes ! :))

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